Category: Holidays
Create Cute Cards with basic invite for ANY Holiday or event!
Basic Invite has all your card needs and Customized to your liking! The Best Gifts are the gifts that give hope happy holidays Basic invite Holiday Gift Card Ideas 15% OFF With coupon code (15FF51) Cheers to these years Are you like me….and start planning your holiday festivities as early as possible??? I mean who…
Wondery app Melon’s house party!
When we discovered Wondery and all it has to offer we were so pleased to know that they come out with all the best, fun podcasts, and audio when it comes to keeping us entertained no matter what we are doing. Their latest podcast is Melon’s House Party, it’s about a cute little pup named…
Gift Guide for The Gamer! Ubisoft Riders Republic
We Discovered a Gem! Ubisoft Riders Republic Game has totally Been a game for the whole family and the everyday gamer. They have something for everyone, Snowboarding, Biking, Skiing and Wingsuit Flying! My son has not stopped playing he loves to snowboard on there and hike the trails. We definitely love the game and it…
Holidays and Grease fire safety! #safetyfirst
Did you know that most kitchen fires are grease fires & are on holidays, family gatherings busy times and always happen at night. Do you know what to do if your cooking oil catches fire? I didnt!!! I recently had the worst experience with a grease fire!!! Thank god it was not worse than it…
Halloween prep for 2020
First of i just wanna say Happy Halloween and i wanna applaud all you parents grandparents aunts uncles whoever you are that is making some little humans night by dressing up and taking them out trick er treating. or just making their day special! Because let me tell ya its hard work!! Now the good…