Category: Uncategorized
Halloween prep for 2020
First of i just wanna say Happy Halloween and i wanna applaud all you parents grandparents aunts uncles whoever you are that is making some little humans night by dressing up and taking them out trick er treating. or just making their day special! Because let me tell ya its hard work!! Now the good…
World mental health day October 08 ♡ #Itsokay your not alone?♀️
Every day i have to over come my anxiety and push through the crippling process that comes with mental illness. People are so afraid to use the word illness this is a topic i want to talk about because it gets overlooked so much! Everyday millions of people suffer from mental illness lets talk and…
How I Went from 600 followers to 27,000!
Do you ever feel like a needle in a hay stack? just trying to find a way into the influencer world we are in today? its not as easy as it looks, its definitely not what everyone makes it out to be. its a whole lot of work and it takes a lot of time…
The love story that lasts forever ♡
He proposed!!! September 4th 09/04/14♡ I had no freaking idea! September 3rd we decided to take a gateway trip for kyles 23rd birthday to kyles uncles and than drive to Vancouver for the week/weekend. He planned this all and i had no idea. I thought this was just a trip to vancouver little did i…
How i revived my skin from the dead seriously! (SkinCare Routine)
Here is where you’ll find all my must haves Everything skin care and self care. All my cant LIVE without products. Okay lets be real i can live without them but i choose not to cause they bring me such joy. i feel like i can be the best me when i have healthy looking…
Get To Know Me
Hi Beautiful readers im glad you stopped by today. Hi I’m Tomi I’m a Mother/wife by day and a zombie blogger by night. this is my blog. I am a 26 year old wife, mother & beauty lover from Canada, Alberta. I enjoy long uninterrupted sleeps and never-ending Mugs of Coffee. I dislike teething, and…