Hi Beautiful readers im glad you stopped by today.
Hi I’m Tomi I’m a Mother/wife by day and a zombie blogger by night. this is my blog.
I am a 26 year old wife, mother & beauty lover from Canada, Alberta. I enjoy long uninterrupted sleeps and never-ending Mugs of Coffee. I dislike teething, and people who walk slow.
I have been wanting to jump on the mama blog Trend for so long in hopes to share helpful advice, share my ideas and thoughts with other like-minded women and meet some amazing people to have a laugh along the way. I am here to share my journey into this crazy thing that is motherhood.
I have a huge passion for family, skincare, fashion, beauty and wellness. I will be sharing with you all my skincare tips, my every day lifestyle, mama life, wifey life♡ how i over come my anxiety and makeup tricks too!
Im here to be blunt, honest and real. I hope reading about my chaotic but blessed life helps inspire, motivate and make you realize you’re not alone.
here are my loves – i love spending time with my family, i love coffee and fuzzy socks those are my weaknesses. i love long walks, i love sunsets, thunderstorms, home cooked meals although i do cook we do eat out. i enjoy cleaning it relaxes me there’s nothing like the satisfaction of a nice clean home to lounge in. i love organizing again although my house isnt completely organized YET! i love folding laundry. i love when my kids come and hug me and tell me i’m the best for the littlest things. i love when kyle my husband gives me back rubs just cause or kisses me when he leaves the room and i also love when he brings me home food and i don’t even have to ask. yes i am a big foodie lover, i am also a sucker for chocolate. i love the little things in life. what are some of your loves and likes. comment below 🙂
Here are my dislikes – i absolutely dislike spiders and things creepy crawlies, i dislike waking up in the morning, i dislike hot spicy foods. i dislike uncooked onions. i dislike soggy tomatoes, i dislike having to wash laundry or put it away.
i had a pretty rough teenage/childhood growing up but i’ve over come that and bettered myself, and made a happy and healthy life♡ I have to say i am pretty proud of how far we’ve gotten and what we have been through to get to where we are today.
when i got pregnant at 15, i dropped out of school, it was not expected that’s for sure. a few years later i had Liam at almost 19. 19 with 2 kids i was struggling, i had no clue what i was doing, i was scared, i was stressed, i was alone. i had no one stable to help me and guide me in the right direction until i met my husband he helped in more ways than anyone could he helped me better myself he loved me he molds me back together but these past few years have been the best and hardest for us. We had khalil in 2017 i thought wow 3 kids how are we going to manage this but we are doing the best we can, i love my person (Hubby) unconditionally hes been so helpful and has kept me on my feet. it was a long bumpy road to get to where we are now! wouldn’t change a thing.
My family is my biggest achievement, i have a loving fiance Kyle of 6 years going on 7 it feels alot longer. he is my rock he has been the most amazing supportive person in my life. he showed me more in the 7 years we’ve been together more love than ive been shown in my all 26 years of life.
We have 3 wonderful children i will introduce them to you.

Addison (goes by Addy) is 9 years old born in december my little ice queen. she loves animals and drawing , singing, she loves to learn, she loves astronomy, and space. she absolutely adores her brothers and prays and always asks for a sister. she reminds me alot of myself at her age and all i want is for her to have the best life i can give her. she is a amazing kid so full of love and adventure. she is a picky eater and has her own style. she loves gaming. she loves cuddling, movies, she is obsessed with how to train your dragon.

Liam is 7 years old born march 16 1 day before St. pattys day. He is sweet and kind he is loving, he is obsessed with anything CARS or TRUCKS!!! like obsessed he loves music, he loves paw patrol, he loves chucky cheese. he dislikes any water going on his head, he dislikes hot foods. and he dislikes spiders and birds. he isnt mush of a picky eater but he wont eat certain things. he loves hamburgers and fries he loves fruit and veggies. his favorite is pizza lol. he loves music and movies. he is always playing.

Khalil Is 1.5 years old he was born October 17 2017. he is so smart and so full of love, he is adventurous he loves cars, buses,trucks, anything that drives he is obsessed! he loves food he will literally eat anything that is put in front of him if hes feeling it. he loves water, he loves swimming, he loves to walk and run, he is learning his colors, he knows his body parts he brushes his own teeth every morning and night sometimes more than twice a day. he doesn’t like being dirty or sticky, we will always wash his face and hands. he cleans up after himself. he says about 50 words or more not clearly but we understand him. he does not like getting dressed or undressed we have to bribe him or it doesnt happen. he loves baths. his personality is the best hes so funny and loving. my Little love
If you’ve made it to the very end i am so appriciateive of your awesomeness. and i love your beautiful soul. please comment below if you wanna know more about us and our little family.
One response to “Get To Know Me”
Love reading your blog momma and getting to know you and your life a little better! You’ve done such a great job on your blog and I can’t wait to see what you have to add in the future! I always love reading about your beautiful little family and your guys adventures! ♥️