Grow on ig

These are steps i took to grow organically on IG.

1. Content! Be consistent on uploading, once or twice a day or 3-4 times a week. – upload stuff you would like to see, don’t over think! Don’t second guess yourself.

– what helped over all was the quality of the post, this is time consuming andi found it took up the most time. so i just went ahead in created presets or just used my phones i made presets for my photos to make editing easier i would just tweak the settings and upload faster and in better quality.

– i used lightroom or vsco for editing and instasize for the border. I have a few presets i can share with you if you’d like. Just let me know in the comments♡♡♡

2. Caption is very important, it sells your click to your page. It seals the deal! it is what makes your audience hit that like button or that share button and that save button. What helped me with captions cause i tend to suck sometimes, Is a tip i got from another instagram blogger mama was to write down in your notepad on your phone or if your old school like me and write in an actual notepad?

Write down daily inspiration or something you want to share. a topic you want to touch on, it doesnt have to relate to your photo. it doesnt have to be a fancy caption just something true and real! Share what you want to share. Guarantee Someone will like it ♡

The less thought i put into a upload is what actually reaches the most viewers and has the most engagement. Keep in mind of your audience but share what you love ♡

3. Timing is everything! If you don’t have a business account (ill explain why in a minute) you can kinda guess when the best times to upload on IG. The time you upload is very important because you want more people to see your posts in the first hour -2 hours.

That is the best time to boost engagement is in those 2 hours. What i mean by boost engagement is replying to comments, engaging with your #instafam is what i call them cause they take time out of their day to engage with you and share with you while being supportive and commenting on your photo. Boosting engagement is not as hard as it seems. Spend 30mins – 1 hour a day replying to dm’s and comments watching stories ect but stay active because instagram notices you using all the features.

4. Use ALL the features what i mean by this is go live, record videos and post on your story, do polls, ask questions, Record a igtv even if its a unboxing or a makeup tutorial or a try on anything a recipe is always good, or a diy. just use igtv. dm people dont be scared to reach out to your followers and get to know them build relationships. this is key! Go live for a few minutes a day even if no one views youll get some practice so you can get used to the feel of it.share your stories and posts you like along with others stories always make sure you tag them they are always likely to tag you back. Do a shout out sunday. Be creative with it & have fun!

Business account

A business account on ig is for tracking your stats. influencers and businesses accounts are mainly who need to see the stats or their feed posts and stories. Having a business account has its pros and cons.(ill explain in other blog post). Having a business account allows you to see your best time of the day to post so you can get the best reach in your followers. Instagram only allows %10 of your followers in the first few hours to see your post on their feed. So the best time would be when most of your followers are active. It allows you to see your percentage of woman and men reach, what ages and what countries they are in. If you don’t already have one i would suggest switching so you can see all your stats. honestly just engage Don’t be afraid to talk to people, i’ve met so many amazing mamas on social media and have gathered so much advice i wish i would have known about this years ago! i used to ignore my messages or my comments and now that i am showing interest i am reaching my goals ive been setting for myself.

5. Use the explore page!

Like photos and comment. your most likely going to get a response or someone will see your comment and your profile photo and be like hey i like her photo and what she said i wanna know more about her. and BAM just like That the person is now on your feed from the explore page its a easy view or maybe a few likes and who knows maybe a follow. Anything is engagement. I have found so many of my forever following on the explore page i love it so much, i like and comment on photos from there atleast once or twice a day. Another good thing about the explore page is that you can see which photos are being seen and the hash tags they use or the brands they tag and whats trending.

6. Hash tags It is so important to use hashtags in your post. But please take note and make sure to not use the same hashtags in every post that will get you shadow banned( ill explain that in another blog.) So hashtags are what bring people who don’t already follow you to your feed so its important to not use hashtags with a lot of high volume traffic. hashtags with low traffic stay in the seen section (the top of the page) more often and are seen by more people. Its important to not use to many hashtags i would say between 15-25 hashtags that are relevant to your post or your niche(talk about that in another blog). Change up your hashtags.! In your post make sure to space your caption and your hash tags apart nicely. Example photo below

7. Engagement groups If you arent already apart of an engagement group i highly suggest you join one! example of what engagement groups are ( a group of accounts on IG get together in one message and engage on eachothers account this boosts engagement and increases your followers as well as meeting some cool new people.

if you are not sure where to find engagement groups i can help i have a few groups i manage and i also know a bunch of ladies on ig who admin in these groups and would love to have you! if your interested just get in touch in the comment section. Telegram also has engagement groups or pods.

Now that you know how to bring you’re instagram to the next level. i would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have down below in the comments.

Left- 2018 – right -2019